
Door Intercom Repairs 

Door Intercom Installation


Michal (Michael)
tel. 077 49 10 12 37
email. michal_p@tiscali.

1) As nature of my job requires great deal of concentration so sometimes I may not
      answer  the phone when I'm on the job but if you leave message I'll call you back same day.

2) When I call you back I will ask following questions:

- Is your door intercom AUDIO or VIDEO one?
    Q2 - How big is your system or (How many push buttons is there on front panel by front door to the building)?
    Q3 - Can you recognize your system from the list of pictures ?
    Q4 - What does not work ( i.e. No Speech  / No ringer / Lock does not open) ?

    Q5 - Do your neighbors experience the same problems (it is extremely important that answer is verified)?


- My Insurance

- I do have public liability insurance



Public Liability : £1,000,000

View my policy details

- Contact details:

Michal Przybysz
tel: 02088767304
mob. 07749101237
email. michal_p@tiscali.co.uk

tel. 07749101237
email. michal_p@tiscali.co.uk

door intercom, intercom, entry intercom, intercom London